Tools for Growth - Mastery, Autonomy, Purpose

SURPRISING truths about what motivates us.
  • Autonomy – A desire to be self directed, it increases engagement over compliance.
  • Mastery – The urge to get better skilled.
  • Purpose – The desire to do something that has meaning and is important. 

"You should pay enough to take the issue of money off the table".
Dan Pink
Businesses that only focus on profits without valuing purpose will end up with poor customer service and unhappy employees.

The key to discovering your purpose

Are you clear about your purpose? 
I’ve always been clear about my purpose. I’ve known it since I was 5 years old. I’m here to be of service and help make this world a better place. 
However, there were many years that I was not living my life on purpose.
I suffered from low self worth. I was a people pleaser. I was insecure and had no boundaries (issues many of us deal with). 
I knew I was here to be of service, but I didn’t know how to help. I could hardly take care of myself, let alone help someone else. 
In 2019, life got real. I got sober. Subsequently, my stumbling blocks have turned into stepping stones.  What were once my biggest challenges are now my greatest assets. 
My personal struggles have helped me build relationships with others in a deeper and more impactful way. I am able to compassionately meet people where they’re at. Sharing my vulnerabilities are a tool I use for relatability and building trust. 
I use every mistake, shortcoming, insecurity and lesson as an opportunity to help someone who may be going through a similar difficulty.
“How does this relate to entrepreneurship?” you ask.
Entrepreneurship is 💯 an inside job. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. 
As the entrepreneurial spirit behind Wylder Space, I am able to use my experience, strength and hope to motivate, uplift and inspire the best in our team.
I hope you find value in the ins, outs, ups and downs of your entrepreneurial journey. My hope is that you’re able to discover your purpose and help others along the way.

In Todays Email, you’ll be able to get deeper resources for:
  • 3 BIGGIES that affect your motivation 
  • More money does not equal better performance
  • Empowerment + tips for Increased motivation

How to motivate, uplift and inspire

The three elements of intrinsic motivation are: autonomy, mastery and purpose. 
1.Autonomy is the human desire to lead a life of one’s own. 
2.Mastery is the desire to improve something that matters.

3. Purpose is about the desire to serve something greater than man himself.
Check out these resources for a deep dive into leadership, growth and motivation
Daniel Pink DRIVE (A must read for anyone who has employees!!!!). 
Dan Sullivan & Benjamin Hardy WHO not HOW (this is for every business owner who is trying to grow.) You need to find people who will do the task better than you can to accelerate your growth and their autonomy and purpose
Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy 10x is easier than 2x (unlocking your potential for rapid growth)
Patrick Bet David Your Next 5 Moves (every entrepreneur must read! Learn to lead and focus on self awareness)
A Video Clip on Mastery Autonomy and Purpose ⤵️

The so called “Carrot and the Stick” 

If a person is rewarded for certain behaviours, then that person will be motivated in the future to behave that way in the future. This is the carrot part of the analogy. An example of this is a parent urging his or her child to do something by promising the child a treat or other reward.
The second belief is that when behaviour is punished, people are less likely to behave in the same way. This is the stick part of the carrot and stick analogy.
~Various studies have shown that financial incentives do not always improve employee performance. In most cases, offering financial rewards actually leads to less productivity.~

Finding the WHO to your HOW

In the book WHO not HOW, Dan Sullivan teaches about the importance of clarifying expectations for your team. Even if you’re a solopreneur, this will be of value. 
Often times, as entrepreneurs, we try to do everything ourselves. This bogs us down, keeps us IN the business rather than building a self managing co. 
To propel yourself and your co. forward and grow, invest in people who can help you. Delegate. Trust that they’re qualified in ways that you are not.

The Goal: Clarify what you need help with and delegate. Find the WHO to your HOW.

Use this thinking process before starting any new project, workshop, or marketing event, for example- before speeches, interviews, and client meetings + new hires.

Want to see higher productivity and a better quality of work in the work place? 

1. Actively ask for input

Regularly assess employee satisfaction. This shows that you care about their opinions and appreciate their input. In addition, regularly ask for suggestions on the ways in which they work. It’s important to actually do something with this input.

2. Offer self-development opportunities

As part of the Daniel Pink Motivation Theory, ensuring that employees can develop is crucial for long-term motivation. In concrete terms, this could mean that you pay tuition fees or send employees to paid workshops or training courses.

3. Validate good work

Expressing appreciation through compliments or expressions of gratitude also has a major impact on employee motivation. It is no effort to name concrete things that employees have done to benefit the team and the organisation.

4. Set interim goals

Small and measurable goals are another valuable way to stay motivated while working on a long-term project. By helping the team to achieve reasonable and achievable goals, they remain motivated to achieve them.

5. Celebrate milestones and successes

In addition to the previous tip, it’s equally important to celebrate milestones and successes. This especially applies to longer term projects. Celebrating small successes can help the team stay connected and focused on the bigger goal.

6. Be positive

Creating a positive work culture is a very good way to keep employee motivation high. The simplest way is to do this yourself as leader. Make time for a joke, play a game after lunch occasionally and don’t be afraid to have fun.

7. Encourage mindfulness

Encourage employees to take breaks and relax regularly during the work day. Pay particular attention to what they indicate they want to do. Some will want to go for a walk, some want to go to the gym, and another might want to go and have a coffee at the café around the corner. 

PRESS and PUB for Wylder

A glimpse into Wylder Space, a unique and boutique catering co. in the Santa Cruz Mountains
The Menu
Because many of the guests were kosher, vegetarian, or vegan, the menu needed to be “veggie forward.” The couple found Molly Bravo, whose company Wylder Space specializes in vegetarian cooking. “Her style was very colorful, [she had] beautiful plating, and it felt like a garden party,” Pilkes says. “We were all seated outside under the stars at night, and it just was gorgeous and green and lush.”
Adrienne Gaffney, Elle Magazine
This publication is in its infancy stage. 
As a business owner, I’m sure you remember what it’s like to get the word out about your product or service. Please share this publication with anyone you think would find value in its content. We’re doing this grass roots style and would be so stoked to see the word get out simply because you find this material helpful. 
By clicking the link below, you can help spread the word and get super cool thank you gifts in return.

The Art of the Pivot


Do you know your customers? 
While many companies focus on acquiring consumers, a strong brand relies on retaining them.
Finding ways to make customers happy doesn't have to be complicated. If you solve their problems and give them what they need, they’re likely to not only purchase from you once but multiple times thereafter. The name of the game is to build relationships with your customers.

Wanna get some cool free stuff? Welp, you can! Networking, referrals, promotion and collaboration are integral skills we need as business owners. Promote others, get promoted. We choose collaboration over competition. 
If you click on the button below you’ll see 3 giveaways we’ve got for you. Be sure to check out our FREE business pivot strategy workbook designed for all you peeps who are interested in growth mindset.
As the entrepreneurial spirit behind Wylder Space Inc. connecting with other entrepreneurs is near and dear to my heart. This newsletter is my passion project as I work towards cultivating a grassroots on- line community of likeminded visionaries and entrepreneurs. My mission is to support, uplift and inspire. 
It’s an honor to cook for you, work with you and support each other in the entrepreneurial game. xoxo

Truth Bombs: The struggle is real

3 hurdles NEW entrepreneurs often faceand how to overcome them
  • Feeling Uncomfortable:  Comfort should be the thing that truly scares you. Comfort breeds complacency, and complacency stunts growth.
  • Facing the fear of failure:  Embrace this fear and channel your focus toward making sure it doesn’t become a reality.
  • Understanding Finances:  Just because there is money in the bank does not mean there is profitability, and if there is not enough cash in the bank, that doesn't mean the company is not profitable. Entrepreneurs tend to confuse cash in the bank with profitability, and often it is a timing issue.

What they DON’T tell you about entrepreneurship

Let’s talk about those fearsome nightmares that entrepreneurs endure and the psychological price that you’ll pay for owning a business.
“The reality of being an entrepreneur is much harder than most people are willing to open up about. In a culture where successful entrepreneurs are idealized like rock stars it's easy to feel like we're not good enough when comparing ourselves to the picture that’s painted by social media.”
-Mark Laroste, a professional truth teller who normalizes the messiness in the entrepreneurial game.
Why are people so scared to share the truth behind the curtain of their business? Why do people pretend to have it all figured out when the bank account is a mess and clearly using overdraft protection like a line of credit?
Often as entrepreneurs we feel isolated and alone. We think we’re the ONLY ones who suffer with cash flow & money management issues. We compare our insides to your outsides and often feel like we don’t measure up, when in fact- social media makes everything look BETTER than it really is.
After writing about building a business in real time, gathering data and engaging on social media, I recognize a common denominator in entrepreneurship - STRUGGLE.
If you’re struggling, like so many of us are, I hope you find value in the resources provided and connect with a community of likeminded entrepreneurial spirits who are passionate about seeking freedom. What's the payoff you ask? As entrepreneurs, we’re seeking more time to do what we love to do with the resources to make it happen.
-Molly Bravo, the Entrepreneurial Spirit behind Wylder Space Inc. (a unique and boutique catering co. in the Santa Cruz Mountains)
In Todays Email, you’ll get deeper awareness about:
  • The Truth about the every-day entrepreneur
  • 4 stages of Entrepreneurship - which stage are you in?
  • “HOW” to grow! - growth mindset for entrepreneurs

The struggle is real

“Founder and CEO of a startup? Owner of a company? Sounds Enchanting!” - they say.
“You must be earning millions, telling others what to do and never having to work! What a life!” - you often hear.
…Supposedly this is how people see you when they realize you are an entrepreneur. This lifestyle looks glamorous, doesn’t it? Rarely do they understand the other side of the coin.
The pressure and struggle associated with starting a business is immense. Rarely, do people talk about the struggle of the come up.
Entrepreneurship is HARD. It’s messy. It’s often times a lonely road of silent struggle. It requires sacrifice and taking the hardest road possible.
“You’ve got to have a lot of passion for what you do.The reason is because it IS so hard - you need the passion to pull you through”- Steve Jobs - Apple 

Check out these resources for a deep dive into the lonely road of entrepreneurship
Kevin O’leary (Mr. Wonderful) Not everyone should be an entrepreneur 
Patrick Bet David 12 of the dumbest mistakes I ever made my first year in business
Florence Scovel Shinn Game of Life and How to Play It
Alex Hormozi Entrepreneurship
Warren Buffet Best Business Advice for NEW entrepreneurs, and OG’s too ⤵️

For everyone who wants to grow 10x 

From Chapter 6 of the book, 10x is easier than 2x 
-by Dan Sullivan & Benjamin Hardy

Level 1 is being a rugged individual who does everything themselves or micromanages the few people they have working with them.
Level 2 entrepreneurship is evolving from doing things yourself & stepping into leadership. It’s about finding qualified people to help you, rather than doing everything yourself.

By Level 3, you’ve removed yourself from the day to day and replaced yourself with better fit leaders to manage and run your company. You’re now freed up from the day to day operations to fully focus on exploring new possibilities for growth and expansion of vision + collaborating.

In Level 4Everything happening around you, including in your business operates as a self multiplying unique team. All individuals are encouraged to individually and autonomously refine their own roles, striving to improve and practice self motivation. Every person within your organization works towards the mission of the company, keeping their eye on growth and expansion of the vision.


You’ve got to pay to play in the Entrepreneurial Game.
You’ve got to be wiling to risk it all to win big. You’re taking a gamble on your dream. Are you going to go all in? If you are, you may fail. That’s ok. This vision you have may not work. If it fails, try something else or do it a different way. Remember, you can fail 1000 times- you only need to get it right once. Keep going.
The Entrepreneurial Game:  Instead of admiring another entrepreneurs lifestyle and assuming his bank balance, just know everyone starts from the bottom. Everyone grinds. Everyone struggles & you don’t get anywhere in the game without hard work and risk-taking.

But first, what IS growth mindset? 

Entrepreneurial mindset is a set of beliefs, thought processes, and ways of viewing the world that drives entrepreneurial behavior. Typically, entrepreneurs believe it’s possible to improve their lives and live life on their own terms. They also believe in the fundamentals of growth: learning, growing & adapting in order to succeed. 
Here’s the thing: Anyone can develop the mindset of a successful entrepreneur. As the founder of Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford, once said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t—you’re right.”

How to think like an entrepreneur:

  • Entrepreneurs don’t follow the crowd. Period. We carve our own path. Always.
  • Entrepreneurs don’t blame others for a shitty life situation—we take responsibility for improving it.
  • Successful entrepreneurs know how to improve a situation, make more money, and create new opportunities.
  • Successful entrepreneurs don’t have wishes and dreams—We have goals and plans.
  • The entrepreneur mindset is growth-oriented.
  • Entrepreneurs don’t fear failure—we appreciate it. 
    Each “failure” is simply a stepping stone to learn from, helping move us closer to success. 
    As the famous inventor Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
  • Entrepreneurs believe they can grow as people, learn new things, and develop new skills. They believe that—with some consistent effort—they can shape themselves into whomever they want to be.
    The bestselling author and entrepreneur Hal Elrod said, “Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of personal development, because success is something you attract by the person you become.”
    In other words, personal growth tends to create success.

Scalability: How fast do you want to grow?

  • Valentine's Day Food and Wine Pairing with Wylder Space & Wine Pairings by Mark Bright - February 14th
    Join us February 14th for 3 courses by Chef Molly of Wylder Space, paired with a wine journey curated by Mark Bright. Start with Beet Carpaccio and a crisp South African bubbly, cozy up to Moroccan Braised Short Rib (or Moroccan Mushroom Stew) with a warming Crozes Hermitage Rhone Blend, then indulge in Upside Down Lemon, Maple & Vanilla Pudding and a lush Austrian dessert wine sure to enchant your palate.
    First Seating 5:30pm
    Second Seating 7:30pm
    $98 per person, exclusive of gratuity and sales tax
    $50/person deposit kindly required at time of reservation.
    Tickets are available here

  • Women's Wellness Retreat - March 9th
    Sale Price:$175.00 Original Price:$195.00
    Saturday, March 9th
    10:45am - 6:45pm
    Seymour Marine Discovery Center

    Join us for this daylong wellness retreat designed to treat your mind, body and heart!
    March brings both International Women’s Month and the beginning of Spring. With the equinox comes an emphasis on new beginnings and a return to balance as the darkness of winter wanes. This is a time for nature to regrow and refresh, and for you to as well. We have curated a magical day to celebrate and honor this time of transition!

    This experience is designed for all levels, for all women. This is a time for you to unwind, reflect and connect… at your own pace, on your own terms. This is for YOU.

    Space is limited to 40 in an effort to keep this intimate and comfortable for all attendees.

    General Timeline:
    ⟡ arrival + welcome
    ⟡ introduction + intention
    ⟡ yoga + sound bath meditation with Vaza Racinet
    ⟡ catered beautiful lunch from Wylder Space
    ⟡ gua sha and lymphatic health with Deva Cassandra
    ⟡ kava ceremony with Rachelle Campbell
    ⟡ shamanic journeying with Jeri Ross
    ⟡ wind down: sunset + sips through aquarium + patio
    Tickets are available here
  • UCSC Hay Barn Vendor Showcase and Open House - March 9th
    Join us at the Cowell Ranch Hay Barn at UCSC for an exciting in-person event. Discover a wide range of vendors showcasing their unique foods, desserts and services. From delicious food and drinks to trendy decor and custom florals, there's something for everyone. Explore the diverse offerings and build your local event dream team. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with vendors and have a great time. Mark your calendars and get ready for a fantastic day of tasting and fun!
    Saturday, March 9 at 11:00am to 3:00pm
    Cowell Ranch Hay Barn 94 Ranch View Rd, Santa Cruz, CA 95064
    More information is available here

I am OBSESSED with game of entrepreneurship. As of late, I’m even more OBSESSED with scaling my co. and ensuring it’s self managing- meaning it can run with or without me.
For the last 19 years I wake up early, stay late and obsess on success. I have silently struggled financially for many years (as many entrepreneurs do) all the while excelling creatively. 
For many years, I never asked for help. Because of that, it has taken longer to get here than it would have, had I sought out a mentor and invested the time in myself to grow.
In 2021 I found my first business mentor and things have accelerated ever since. If I could offer the new entrepreneur 3 pieces of advice it would be the following:
-Seek mentorship from people who have walked the path before you.
-Immerse yourself in the language of entrepreneurship.  Read lots of books, watch videos on growth mindset & listen to podcasts. 
-Practice the art of self care. It’s the MOST important tool for growth. This is an inside job that manifests outwardly through the growth and success of your business.
-Molly Bravo, Founder & Entrepreneurial Spirit behind Wylder Space, Private Catering, Weddings & Corporate Dining Programs
In this weeks newsletter:
  • Scalability: Steps and keys to growth
  • Resources: books, podcasts, mentorship
  • Growth Mindset: It’s an inside job 


Scalability means that your business is self managing, (meaning that it will run, with or without you) & it’s able to grow exponentially (meaning it at least doubles each time you expand) 

You may be obsessing on how to grow your business, but before you work ON your business you must work IN your business. 
Highest Probability of Scaling
  1. Product: You can have a great product, but if you don’t have a means of getting it to market, you can’t scale it.
  2. Personality: You can have a wonderful personality, but if you die, what happens to your business? If your business is 100% predicated on your personality it’s not scaleable- and if it IS- you aren’t going to have a life. The more the business grows, the more it’s going to suck you dry.
  3. Systems: The foundation of scalability is built on a system. 
-A great product with no systems in place won’t scale.
-A great personality with no product and no systems won’t allow you to scale.
-A system in place with a great product will 100% take your business to the next level, with or without the personality behind it.


  1. Think BIG: There needs to be at least “one” person within your organization that thinks BIG. 
    EXAMPLE: Steve Jobs or Elon Musk have never played small. They’re visionaries always pushing for bigger and better.
  2. Celebration Life Span: Don’t celebrate too long.
    EXAMPLE: You land the $600,000 year client. A big thinker doesn’t celebrate the big client coming on board- because they’re expecting it. A small thinker celebrates longer than they should because they’re not thinking about the long game. 
  3. In/On: You’ve got to spend time working ON your business, while simultaneously working IN your business before you can scale.
  4. Highest Return: Invest back in your business.
    EXAMPLE: If you’ve got $300,000 to put back into your business at the end of the year- where will that money best serve your co. to find the OPTIMAL solutions to issues so that they don’t arise again 6 mo. or a year from now. Look for solutions that will yield the HIGHEST return with OPTIMAL solutions to help take your co. to the next level.

Packaging your model for Scale

If you want to grow your service based business, these are 3 ways to package your service and knowledge:

1.  Privately held chain: open up multiple locations & retain all ownership rights. You take all the risk, you front all the cash, you control the labor, you control the brand.  
2.  Franchise:  A single model that has been franchised out. People buy in. It’s perfect for investors who are looking for low risk because they’re already established and don’t require you to start from scratch.
3.  Licensing Model: Depending on how you set up the model, you have to differentiate from a franchise model. Licensing = Brand, business systems and fee.
Check out these resources for a deep dive into growth mindset
Mike Michalowicz Profit First (obsessed!!!!). This book has transformed my life!
Dan Sullivan 10x is easier than 2x
Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan Mentorship, masterminds + high performance coaching (this mastermind group has kickstarted my expansion 10x since I started. ) 
Alex Hormozi $100M Leads

If you’re thinking about scaling your service based business up 10x 

Which of these strategies makes the most sense, based on the following:
➡️ the value you are providing and the model that exists
➡️ the cash flow that is required
➡️ upfront investment
➡️ time to goal 
Private Chain Model
It makes sense if:  It costs you less than 6 mo. of profit in the first year, then it’s probably worth your while to do this. (Low to build + High to Profit & low service requirement)

Expensive and Litigious to start:  It’s usually $750k to start & that’s before you even start selling franchises. It typically takes 1-2 years to get up and running per location. 
It makes sense if:  The build out is very high. You can take a piece off the top. You’ll typically only make money off of the top line of royalties from profit. Rule of thumb would be to have 100+ locations to make it worth your while.
Fun Fact for you:  90-95% of franchises don’t get over 100 locations.
Advantage: Lowest cost. High margins. High cash flow throughout the process. Doesn’t cost you any money.  

Disadvantages: Not defendable and the enterprise value is low.
It makes sense if: you’ve got 80% retention rate of licensees.

4 Qualities High Performers ALL have.

How fast do you get things done? High performers work fast and are quick to respond. It’s a NOW mentality- not a later mentality. 
Qualifier: What makes a bad day, a good day and a GREAT day?  Don't let a bad day, create momentum. The Great Players are obsessed with stacking good and great days.

Will Vs. Want
Language changes everything. I will succeed vs. I want to succeed. I will do better vs. I want to do better. I will make it vs. I hope I make it.

Attitude is Infectious
High performers are not easily discouraged and instead focus on finding new ways to solve problems.
This publication is in its infancy stage. 
As a business owner, I’m sure you remember what it’s like to get the word out about your product or service. Please share this publication with anyone you think would find value in its content. We’re doing this grass roots style and would be so stoked to see the word get out simply because you find this material helpful. 
By clicking the link below, you can help spread the word and get super cool thank you gifts in return.

4 Freedoms of Entrepreneurship

Motivation for all you entrepreneurial spirits out there

  1. Remember “Why” you Started- Unknown
  2. The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing- Walt Disney
  3. “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred with dust and sweat; who strives valiantly, who errs and may fall again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming.”-Theodore Roosevelt

In todays email:
  • What motivates you as an entrepreneur?  The 4 freedoms of entrepreneurship
  • Do you have what it takes?: I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.
    – Steve Jobs
  • 5 Signs of Poor Business Planning: You deserve to invest in yourself. 
  • Operational Efficiency Tips:  Can you leave your business for 2 weeks without it burning to the ground?

The 4 Freedoms of Entrepreneurship

What motivates you as an entrepreneur? 
I’m chasing freedom.
According to Dan Sullivan, the author of 10x is easier than 2x, he claims there are 4 things we’re all motivated by as humans.
  1. Freedom of time: The ability to do what you want, when you want and to have control of your time.
  2. Financial Freedom: You need financial freedom to have the things you want in life. However, entrepreneurs aren’t necessarily money hungry, per se. It’s actually the opposite. Business owners don’t want to have to ever think or worry about money again. ( I relate to this wholeheartedly.)
  3. Freedom of relationships: Lean into the relationships that bring the most joy to your life- family, friends and colleagues. 
  4. Freedom of Purpose: When you’re able to focus on these three freedoms (time, finances & relationship) it gives your life purpose and meaning. We’re able to be of service in new ways, because we’re FREE’d up to do so.
My purpose is to help make this world a better place. 

Check it out! A sweet video for ya ⤵️ A recipe favorite from our catering Co. Wylder Space, in Scotts Valley, Ca.

Wylder Space Pear Galette

This is "Wylder Space Pear Galette". A buttery crust. Seasonal Fruits. Caramel Sauce. Fresh Cream.

Traits of Fellow Entrepreneurs: Do you share similar qualities?

  • The Right Amount of Stubborn:  Pride and stubbornness, 2 traits that are notorious for being defects, can in fact be used as 2 of our greatest assets. I equate it to being like a pit bull. You hold on and don’t let go until you win.

  • Risk Tolerance: Imagine how badly you want it. What are you willing to do to make it happen? Are you willing to risk it all to make your dream a reality? Are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of your vision? When you don’t have anything to begin with, there’s nothing to lose.

  • Comfortable with Failure: Failure is a common occurrence in entrepreneurship. There is a tremendous amount of grit & grace that comes from failure. Imagine getting it right the first time, having never struggled on the come up. How big would your ego be? The lessons, the gratitude, the humble beginnings remind you that once you finally DO arrive, you’ll be able to help others, because you are grateful for all the people who helped you.

  • Persistence: You can fail thousands of times. The key is to get back up, dust yourself off and try a different way. Remember, you only need to get it right once to succeed. Don’t quit 5 minutes before the miracle.

5 Signs you’re working for your business. Your business isn’t working for you.

  1. You don’t run your business. Your business runs you.
  2. Your team feels lost and disengaged
  3. You’re wasting time on the wrong projects (the things that DON’T generate profit)
  4. You’re struggling to attract top talent.
  5. You’re losing thousands of dollars in potential profits.
Examples from our Catering Co.
I can’t tell you how much money we’ve hemorrahaged getting ready to grow and not knowing what to expect. We hired before starting the work, only to learn we over hired.
We rented out a kitchen thinking we’d need the extra space, only to get locked in to an hourly rate rather than a monthly lease, paying 5x the amount we needed to, because we felt desparate.
We opened up a cafe in a building based on 1 persons word, rather than doing the proper market research prior to opening. Thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars, flying out the window on a monthly basis, that could have BROKEN us, had we not had the proper people in place to stop the bleed. 
Gentle Reminders:
You may not have a big team of people to support you now, but you must always be mindful of your cashflow and expenses vs. your revenue. 
Some months are going to be financially abundant, while other months it can be bleak. Rather than assuming your business is out of the weeds, because you’ve had a few robust months, take the average over a year to help you look ahead.

Processes & Systems (They provide the Freedom you so desparately desire)

If you want to grow and scale a business to achieve the dreams and the lifestyle that you’re actually going for, then calling it a business means your going to start growing, scaling and running it, leaving it to operate in a manner that is systematic, consistent and repeatable, every single time.
“But I want to be involved in the day to day”, you say:
You will be involved by running, growing and operating the business- from a strategic perspective.
If you don’t set up the proper systems you’ll be running your business- like a hamster in a wheel, going crazy, burning out and feeling overwhelmed. Pretty soon you will run out of steam and your business will stop growing.
Take Howard Schultz from Starbucks, for example. He doesn’t need to be in every single cafe, making every cup of coffee. 
How is it possible that you can go to any coffee shop, anywhere in the world and get the same consistent cup of coffee. The quality is the exact same, every single time.
The only way it is possible and achievable is by making sure you have the right systems and processes in place, ensuring these systems and processes are measured, quantified and qualified.

What’s the difference between a system and a process? Which one should I have in my business?

Systems stands for:
Save yourself stress, time, energy and MONEY.
It’s a set of processes, people, technology and interfaces. When you put them together they create a system.
A Process is:
A set of steps you need to have inside your business for anything that you’re going to repeat more than once. You don’t want to solve a problem just once, rather you want to solve every problem you come across forever.
- CEO Entrepreneur

By Installing systems and processes inside your business, you’re essentially solving the problems that arise forever.

Wanna get some cool free stuff? Welp, you can! Networking, referrals, promotion and collaboration are integral skills we need as business owners. Promote others, get promoted. We choose collaboration over competition. 
If you click on the button below you’ll see 3 giveaways we’ve got for you. I’m currently working on a course for young entrepreneurs, FREE to all you peeps who are interested in growth mindset and getting OUT of your business to work ON your business. 
We need all the help we can get and it’s the least I can do to get the word out there about Wylder, the Entrepreneurial Spirit’s mentorship program & our grassroots on- line community of likeminded peeps.

Until next time you guys,
It’s an honor to cook for you, work with you and support each other in the entrepreneurial game. xoxo

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